John Smith
- Sign language teacher
John Smith is profoundly Deaf and British Sign Language is his first language. He is a fully qualified Teacher and Assessor, he teaches British Sign Language Levels 1 – 6 and Deaf Awareness. He has been teaching for 17 years. John’s success as a teacher was reflected in his receiving of Signature’s Regional Teachers Award for his outstanding teaching in 2009. He is very popular for his excellent teaching styles and he is very humorous. You can always guarantee a fun and enjoyable class with him.
John has recently set up his own business – Beautiful BSL Services, teaching Deaf Awareness and British Sign Language at our local Deaf Club in Mansfield and this has proved to be a huge success.
John is a strong member of the Deaf Community and is well known as the famous Deaf Stand-up Comedian. Being a comedian is John’s part time job which has taken him worldwide across the UK, Ireland and Europe performing stand-up comedy shows for the Deaf Community.
Along his travels he has acquired lots of knowledge of Deaf History and Deaf cultural differences. See his website www.beautifulbslservice.com
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
- All day
- beautifulbsl@yahoo.co.uk
Preferred contact methods
- Textphone
- Video Call (BSL)