Tracy Vicker - based in Glasgow
- Professional Support
Tracy is currently a part time Scottish Secondary Teacher (History)
Tracy has many years of extensive experience working within the Deaf community
Experience of delivering workshops and taster sessions in Deaf Awareness and an Introduction to British Sign Language
Experience: communication support, educator/trainer, community education, HE&FE, staff development
Available for school inservice training sessions. Professional development sessions …please contact Tracy for your tailor made learning experience
(Former ICT Development Trainer and SQA Coordinator at Deaf Connections, Glasgow)
GTCS Registered
Valid full Disclosure Scotland
Member CLD Standards Council
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Mornings
- Afternoon
- Evenings
- All day
South Lanarkshire
- tracyvicker@yahoo.co.uk
Preferred contact methods