Paul Newbury
- Sign language teacher
Paul is a native, Deaf, BSL user, with over 15 years experience of teaching, training, assessing & mentoring.
Paul’s expertise lies within the teaching, employment and education domain. He has the proven ability of working with learner's to achieve the Signature Qualification Specifications as required for BSL L1 to BSL L6.
Paul is experienced in delivering training both face-to-face and remote.
Paul is also a Qualified BSL trainer & A1 assessor.
He has a passion for sharing his knowledge associated with Deaf issues and offering bespoke training to those that may need it. This can be BSL training or Deaf Awareness sessions.
One of Paul’s proud achievements in relation to his work in teaching BSL was winning the ‘ Thurrock Civic Community Awards - for BSL in the Community’.
Paul is always honoured to teach BSL to learners, he wants to ensure all achieve the very best they can when learning his native language.
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- All day
- newburysigns@gmail.com
Preferred contact methods
- Video Call (BSL)